Green Eyes

by Tennessee Williams

Producer: Tennessee Williams Key West Museum
Costume Design: Andrea Varga
Scenic Design: Stephen Kitsakos
Lighting Design: Anthony Palmer
Sound Design: Ben Pegg

Featuring Michael Catlege, Alaina Albertson, Elena Devers & Arthur Crocker

“Green Eyes,” written in 1970, is a tale of a young couple on their honeymoon. After a drunken, violent night in a tawdry hotel in New Orleans, the wife narrates a tale to her husband, a Vietnam soldier with PTSD on leave for five days, in which she may or may not have experienced a life-altering erotic encounter. A psychosexual struggle ensues with a surprising climax. Along with The Traveling Companion, the play expands on Williams’s exploration of desire as an exchange of merchandise. It explores the consequences of desire and the struggle for love in a cruel world. In many ways, the characters reflect Williams’s own personal battle with the idea that was both ‘victim’ and ‘victimizer’.